August 2022

AI2 Newsletter

A large group of people socialize together on a rooftop deck in the sun with Lake Union and some of the North Seattle skyline in the background.

Top story

AI2 at NAACL 2022

This year's NAACL conference was held in Seattle, Washington, which gave us the opportunity to host many of our friends, colleagues, collaborators, and potential candidates at an open house event on the rooftop of AI2 headquarters. It was great to see everyone!
AI2 had a great showing at this year's conference with several papers, workshops, tracks, and posters. A highlight of the event was the Best New Method Paper Award for NeuroLogic A*esque Decoding: Constrained Text Generation with Lookahead Heuristics, awarded to AI2 Predoctoral Young Investigator Ximing Lu and her co-authors.

Semantic Scholar's Young Investigators

The Young Investigators (YI) program at AI2 allows postdoctorate individuals the ability to dive deeply into the research that interests them before they move on to the next step in their careers. Meet two YIs from the Semantic Scholar team, and learn about how they used their time at AI2 and where they're headed next.

AI2 researchers honored with Outstanding Paper award at ICML

Former AI2 intern Kawin Ethayarajh partnered with senior research manager Yejin Choi and former Young Investigator Swabha Swayamdipta on the paper "Understanding Dataset Difficulty with V-Usable Information," which was selected for an Outstanding Paper award at ICML2022. Congratulations to these AI2 rockstars!

Reminder: Apply for EarthRanger's Conservation Tech Award!

AI2's EarthRanger program is committed to helping protected areas and conservation organizations safeguard wildlife and their habitats through the advancement of technology. This award seeks to provide two $15,000 grants to organizations that are deploying or developing technology to make a positive impact in conservation management.

Want to learn more about AI2's work or connect with an expert? Reach us at

A portrait of Katie Keith, a caucasian woman with long brown hair and blue eyes wearing a black blazer.

Featured AI2er:
Katie Keith

Williams College assistant professor Katie Keith spent the last 11 months as a Young Investigator for the Semantic Scholar team. In this profile, Katie shares what made her work at AI2 singular, and how she hopes the experience influences her teaching.
Learn more ➞
An abstract design of three square shaped light blue boxes showing monotone photographs of two men pointing at a computer, a hand touching a screen with the EarthRanger mobile app displayed, and a woman working at a computer on a vibrant darker blue background.

AI2's Values

AI2 is a unique organization in the world of AI research, and our values reflect that. "AI for the common good" is our guiding principle, and we work towards this through impact, accountability, transparency, and collaboration. 

Learn more ➞

More from us

➞ How to shrink AI’s ballooning carbon footprint
➞ These simple changes can make AI research much more energy efficient
➞ Trees, tech, and people help Mozambican park reverse nature losses
➞ Skylight’s Ted Schmitt: Technology can turn the tide of war against IUU
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