March 2023

AI2 Newsletter

A photo of sticks and grass in a forest, marked up to indicate the amount of time each stick would burn for.

Top story

Count sticks with the Wildlands team at AI2

Our newest AI for the Environment team, the Wildlands team, just released a beta version of their new photoloading application – this app employs machine learning on images to quickly and accurately measure surface fuels like branches and sticks on the forest floor, providing key data to forest management organizations.

Check out the linked post to learn more, and if you or someone you know is involved in forest services, you can email the Wildlands team to be a part of testing this important new app (find their email address at the end of the blog post.)

Computer-Aided Cancer Treatment Plan Design

Creating personalized plans for treating a disease is as varied and complex as cancer is challenging. The AI2 Israel team is bringing powerful text-mining and extraction techniques to bear on this challenge with the new AI2 Treatment Plan Builder, designed to leverage a large corpus of scientific literature and text-mining techniques to assist medical professionals in creating personalized, evidence-backed plans that involve a combination of many different treatments.

Can chatbots really "feel"? AI2 on KUOW

A photograph of AI2 interim CEO Peter Clark standing at a white board with lots of equations written on it, pointing to one.
AI2 Interim CEO Peter Clark speaks to KUOW's Bill Radke about how popular recent chatbots like ChatGPT and the new Bing interface work, and what it means when they claim that they "feel" something, on this episode of "Word in Review."

AI's complicated relationship with climate change

AI2 research scientist Jesse Dodge dissects how AI is intersecting with climate change in a new op-ed for Fast Company—AI can be a powerful tool for protecting our oceans or improving climate models, but without transparency around the carbon footprint of the computing power it requires, AI could also contribute to the climate crisis.
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Semantic Scholar Research Feeds adaptively learn about your interests and recommend the latest papers to help you stay up-to-date. You can turn on Research Feeds recommendations for any Library folder and have them sent right to your email!  Learn more ➞
Image of Bhavana Dalvi, a woman with shoulder-length brown hair wearing a black and white blouse standing in front of some trees.

Featured AI2er: Bhavana Dalvi

Lead Research Scientist Bhavana Dalvi took her interest in machine learning from Bombay to Seattle, where she works on teachable reasoning systems with the Aristo team. Learn about her journey and how she finds inspiration on our blog.

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An illustration of a Viking-style ship sailing off of a mountainous coastline.

Interviewing at AI2

Young Investigator Yanai Elazar has been on both sides of the table for the AI2 interview process. Read about his self-described odyssey from interviewee to interviewer on the AI2 Blog.

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More from us

➞ How to Detect AI-Generated Text, According to Researchers
Embedding Recycling: Making Language Model Development More Sustainable

➞ EarthRanger in Augmented Reality
The Artist and AI Part 1: Familiar Strangers

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