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Business partner code of conduct

Last Updated: September 14, 2021

This Business Partner Code of Conduct (this "Code") describes the conduct expected of all business partners and representatives ("you") that are associated with The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence ("Ai2","us", or "we"). This Code supplements but does not supersede any other contracts or agreements that we may have with you.

Policy Statement:

Ai2 expects all its business partners to meet the standards set forth in this Code, and to strive continuously to conduct their business in accordance with the highest ethical principles. Business partners will self-monitor compliance with this Code and report all instances of non-compliance to the appropriate authority or AIS, as applicable. In certain circumstances, Ai2 may request that business partners demonstrate their compliance with this Code. If any areas of non-compliance are found, Ai2 reserves the right to require corrective action as may be appropriate in the facts and circumstances.

Standards of Conduct:

  • Comply with the Law.  Legal compliance is fundamental to business management. Business partners must operate in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in the countries in which they operate.

  • Respect Individual Rights.  Ai2 requires compliance with all applicable human rights laws and regulations. Ai2 recognizes and respects the dignity and rights of all individuals. We will not tolerate the use of child labor, and all business partners’ workers must be of legal age. Business partners will not participate in human trafficking, indentured labor, or slavery. We respect the rights of employees to organize and bargain collectively without penalty. Business partners must not restrict employees’ right to freedom of association or the right to organize into labor unions.

  • Provide Fair Compensation. We are committed to providing employees a living wage. Wages must be consistent with legal and industry standards. Business partners must compensate individuals with equal experience and qualifications equitably. Compensatory deductions as a disciplinary action are not permitted.

  • Provide Safe Working Conditions. Employees have a fundamental right to a safe and secure working environment. Business partners must create and maintain a safe and healthy work environment for all of its employees.

  • Embrace Diversity. Ai2 values diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. Business partners must base terms and conditions of employment on individual merit and will not discriminate against any individual based on race, national origin, gender, gender identity, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, genetic information, disability, veteran status, political affiliation, or union membership.

  • Speak Truthfully. Ai2 is committed to providing the public and our business partners with honest, accurate, and consistent information. Business partners must report all business transactions fairly and accurately. Business partners will not knowingly conceal or falsify information.

  • Act Fairly. We conduct all of our business interactions and activities with integrity. As a business partner to Ai2, you may be acting on our behalf. Business partners should avoid any real or perceived relationships that would conflict with Ai2’s interests or would hinder the business partner’s ability to act with integrity in their relationship with Ai2.

  • Anti-Bribery. Business partners have a responsibility to take efforts to prevent corruption. Business partners are prohibited from providing inducement, as outlined below, to gain influence or favorable business treatment involving government, commercial, or other third-party arrangements. Business partners will not, directly or indirectly, offer payments or anything of value to gain or maintain a business advantage (including facilitation payments). Business partners will comply with all relevant anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws. In the extraordinary circumstance where an improper payment is made to protect health, life, liberty, or security of an individual; such incident must be properly recorded and reported to Ai2.

  • Protect Our Assets. We require any business partner (including subcontractors) with access to non-public information of Ai2 to closely safeguard such information. Disclosure of Ai2’s proprietary or confidential information is only allowed when required by law or when approved in writing by an authorized Ai2 representative. Business partners may only use Ai2’s proprietary or confidential information in furtherance of the purposes of the business relationship they have with Ai2, or as otherwise expressly specified in any agreement with Ai2. All information regarding Ai2 operations, projects, initiatives, employees, assets, and leaders will be treated as confidential unless the information is publicly available.

  • Comply with Global Trade Restrictions. Business partners will adhere to all import and export laws and regulations pertaining to business activities.

  • Support Local Communities. Ai2 supports our local communities. We encourage our business partners to share in our commitment by making ongoing contributions to improve social conditions.

  • Provide Environmental Stewardship. Sustainability is at the core of how we conduct business, and Ai2 is committed to reducing environmental harm and conserving natural resources. Business partners must comply with all environmental laws and regulations. Ai2 encourages business partners to conduct business in a manner that minimizes impact on the environment.

  • Subcontracting. We expect subcontractors, consultants and representatives to demonstrate the same level of commitment to ethical conduct and to comply with the standards described in this Code. Due diligence should be exercised during the selection of subcontracted parties. Ongoing monitoring should take place to ensure continuing compliance with this Code.

  • Speaking Up. Business partners are expected to promote a speak up culture that does not tolerate retaliation. Provide a means for your employees, suppliers and business partners to speak up if they see something that is unsafe, unethical, or potentially harmful involving business with Ai2.

Contact Us:

Should you become aware of an actual or potential ethical concern or non-compliance related to this Code, please contact Ai2 at