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Welcome to the AI2 Newsletter!

AI2 celebrated 5 years this past January, and there is more going on in the institute than ever. We're excited to start offering regular updates about our newest events, reports, and research initiatives.


China Gains on U.S. in Highly Cited AI Research

Wall Street Journal

"China is drawing close to the U.S. in the number of its AI research papers that are among the top 10% most cited, a measure of the highest-impact research."

Pictionary-playing computer connects to humans’ ‘deep thoughts’

Science Magazine

"'We wanted to build an AI system that can collaborate with human beings, and at the same time is learning about how humans think, how they act,' says Ali Farhadi, an AI2 computer scientist on the project.
Check out all of AI2's recent news coverage on our website.



DROP: A Reading Comprehension Benchmark Requiring Discrete Reasoning Over Paragraphs

NAACL-HLT 2019 |  Dheeru Dua, Yizhong Wang, Pradeep Dasigi, Gabriel Stanovsky, Sameer Singh, Matt Gardner

DROP is "like SQuAD on steroids" – this new dataset uses complex questions to force models to take entire paragraphs into account, and requires a level of detailed understanding that opens the door for machine reasoning.

ATOMIC: An Atlas of Machine Commonsense for If-Then Reasoning

AAAI 2019 |  Maarten Sap, Ronan LeBras, Emily Allaway, Chandra Bhagavatula, Nicholas Lourie, Hannah Rashkin, Brendan Roof, Noah A. Smith, Yejin Choi

Can neural networks learn commonsense reasoning about everyday events? They can if they're trained on ATOMIC: an Atlas of Machine Commonsense containing 870,000 if-then relationships stated in natural language.
Check out all of AI2's recent publications on our website.



icon of a lightbulb with a lightning bulb in it
The AI2 Incubator pairs the best AI minds in the world with successful entrepreneurs to build AI startups together. We're looking for entrepreneurs with big ideas and technologists who can help deliver them to millions of people.

Check out recent reviews on Glassdoor to hear about how our Incubator is the "best kept secret in Seattle"!



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