
See AI2's full collection of videos on our YouTube channel.
Viewing 31-40 of 258 videos
  • Avenging Polanyi's Revenge: Exploiting the Approximate Omniscience of LLMs in Planning without Deluding Yourself In the Process Thumbnail

    Avenging Polanyi's Revenge: Exploiting the Approximate Omniscience of LLMs in Planning without Deluding Yourself In the Process

    August 21, 2023  |  Subbarao Kambhampati
    Abstract: LLMs are on track to reverse what seemed like an inexorable shift of AI from explicit to tacit knowledge tasks. Trained as they are on everything ever written on the web, LLMs exhibit "approximate omniscience"--they can provide answers to all sorts of queries, with nary a guarantee. This could herald a…
  • Machine Learning in Climate Action Thumbnail

    Machine Learning in Climate Action

    July 19, 2023  |  David Rolnick
    Abstract: Machine learning (ML) can be a useful tool in helping society reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate. In this talk, we will explore opportunities and challenges in ML for climate action, from optimizing electrical grids to monitoring crop yield, with an emphasis on how to…
  • Imaginative Vision Language Models Thumbnail

    Imaginative Vision Language Models

    June 26, 2023  |  Mohamed Elhoseiny, Assistant Professor/KAUST
    Bio: Mohamed Elhoseiny is an assistant professor of Computer Science at KAUST., He has become a senior member of IEEE since Fall 2021 and AAAI since Spring 2022. He is also a member of the international Summit community. Previously, he was a visiting Faculty at Stanford Computer Science department (2019-2020…
  • Do language models have coherent mental models of everyday things? Thumbnail

    Do language models have coherent mental models of everyday things?

    June 22, 2023  |  Yuling Gu
    When people think of everyday things like an egg, they typically have a mental image associated with it. This allows them to correctly judge, for example, that "the yolk surrounds the shell" is a false statement. Do language models similarly have a coherent picture of such everyday things? To investigate this, we…
  • Structure Modeling in Language Models Thumbnail

    Structure Modeling in Language Models

    June 6, 2023  |  Yuntian Deng
    Abstract: We are approaching a future where text generation technologies will allow us to generate texts that are not only fluent at a surface level, but also coherent in their overall structure. To enable this future, my research focuses on evaluating and improving structure modeling in language models. In the…
  • When Not to Trust Language Models: Investigating Effectiveness of Parametric and Non-Parametric Memories Thumbnail

    When Not to Trust Language Models: Investigating Effectiveness of Parametric and Non-Parametric Memories

    June 6, 2023  |  Alex Mallen
    Presentation of ACL 2023 main conference long paper "When Not to Trust Language Models: Investigating Effectiveness of Parametric and Non-Parametric Memories". Alex Mallen*, Akari Asai*, Victor Zhong, Rajarshi Das, Daniel Khashabi, Hannaneh Hajishirzi Despite their impressive performance on diverse tasks, large…
  • Enhancing the Reliability and Continual Improvement of Neural Dialogue Systems Thumbnail

    Enhancing the Reliability and Continual Improvement of Neural Dialogue Systems

    June 5, 2023  |  Prakhar Gupta
    Neural dialogue systems have made impressive advancements in natural language understanding and generation, yet challenges in reliability and continual improvement persist. In this talk, I will present my work focused on improving the reliability of dialogue systems while emphasizing continual enhancement and…
  • Toward Intelligent Writing Support Beyond Completing Sentences Thumbnail

    Toward Intelligent Writing Support Beyond Completing Sentences

    May 23, 2023  |  Chieh-Yang Huang
    Abstract: Writing is a challenging and demanding task that plays a critical role across various domains. Creative writing calls for innovative and attractive ideas, while scientific writing emphasizes clarity and a comprehensive presentation of concepts. Different fields present unique writing challenges and thus…
  • Towards robust long-form text generation systems Thumbnail

    Towards robust long-form text generation systems

    May 23, 2023  |  Kalpesh Krishna
    Abstract: Long-form text generation is an emerging AI technology that has seen extensive recent interest due to the success of ChatGPT. However, several key challenges need to be addressed before long-form generation systems can be practically deployed at scale. In this talk, I will present my research that…
  • Evaluating ethical and social risks from large models Thumbnail

    Evaluating ethical and social risks from large models

    Abstract: Large generative models create the potential for many beneficial use cases, but they also raise significant ethical and social risks of harm. How can we know whether a large model is aligned with our expectations? In this talk, we first present a taxonomy of ethical and social risks developed by a…