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Open technologies - AI for science

Scientists and researchers are struggling to keep up with the ever-increasing influx of new scientific literature. We’re using AI to develop better ways to search for the latest knowledge, accelerating scientific breakthroughs.

Semantic Scholar

Find relevant papers. Explore new knowledge. Stay up-to-date. Understand the paper. Our free, AI-driven tools help you search, discover, and consume scientific knowledge in more efficient ways.

Scientific datasets

Ai2 collects and provides open and programmatic access to large corpora of scientific text to encourage researchers and developers to create tools for better understanding and engaging with scientific publications.

S2ORC - A large corpus of structured full text for English-language open access academic papers. It is the largest publicly available collection of machine-readable academic text, comprising over 10M documents.

S2AG - A large collection of over 200M paper titles, abstracts, citations, and other metadata of open access papers from the Semantic Scholar Academic Graph.

Scientific Discovery

Ai2 is actively working on technologies to help with scientific research, data analysis, and ultimately assist scientists in making novel discoveries. Check out our recent research and open resources in this important area.