
Learn more about AI2's Lasting Impact Award
Viewing 101-110 of 292 papers
  • Efficient Methods for Natural Language Processing: A Survey

    Marcos Vinícius Treviso, Tianchu Ji, Ji-Ung Lee, Betty van Aken, Qingqing Cao, Manuel R. Ciosici, Michael Hassid, Kenneth Heafield, Sara Hooker, Pedro Henrique Martins, André F. T. Martins, Peter Milder, Colin Raffel, Jessica Zosa Forde, Emma Strubell, Edwin Simpson, N. Slonim, Jesse Dodge, Niranjan Balasubramanian, Iryna Gurevych, Leon Derczynski, Roy SchwartzarXiv2022 Getting the most out of limited resources allows advances in natural language processing (NLP) research and practice while being con-servative with resources. Those resources may be data, time, storage, or energy. Recent work in NLP has yielded interesting…
  • Evidentiality-guided Generation for Knowledge-Intensive NLP Tasks

    Akari Asai, Matt Gardner, Hannaneh HajishirziNAACL2022 Retrieval-augmented generation models have shown state-of-the-art performance across many knowledge-intensive NLP tasks such as open-domain question answering and fact verification. These models are trained to generate a final output given retrieved passages…
  • FaVIQ: FAct Verification from Information-seeking Questions

    Jungsoo Park, Sewon Min, Jaewoo Kang, Luke Zettlemoyer, Hannaneh HajishirziACL2022 Despite significant interest in developing general purpose fact checking models, it is challenging to construct a large-scale fact verification dataset with realistic real-world claims. Existing claims are either authored by crowdworkers, thereby introducing…
  • MetaICL: Learning to Learn In Context

    Sewon Min, M. Lewis, Luke Zettlemoyer, Hannaneh HajishirziNAACL2022 We introduce MetaICL (Meta-training for In-Context Learning), a new meta-training framework for few-shot learning where a pretrained language model is tuned to do in-context learning on a large set of training tasks. This meta-training enables the model to…
  • Noisy Channel Language Model Prompting for Few-Shot Text Classification

    Sewon Min, Michael Lewis, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Luke ZettlemoyerACL2022 We introduce a noisy channel approach for language model prompting in few-shot text classification. Instead of computing the likelihood of the label given the input (referred as direct models), channel models compute the conditional probability of the input…
  • Robust fine-tuning of zero-shot models

    Mitchell Wortsman, Gabriel Ilharco, Mike Li, Jong Wook Kim, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Ali Farhadi, Hongseok Namkoong, Ludwig SchmidtCVPR2022
    Best Paper Finalist
    Large pre-trained models such as CLIP or ALIGN offer consistent accuracy across a range of data distributions when performing zero-shot inference (i.e., without fine-tuning on a specific dataset). Although existing fine-tuning methods substantially improve…
  • Annotators with Attitudes: How Annotator Beliefs And Identities Bias Toxic Language Detection

    Maarten Sap, Swabha Swayamdipta, Laura Vianna, Xuhui Zhou, Yejin Choi, Noah A. SmithNAACL2022 Warning : this paper discusses and contains content that is offensive or upsetting. The perceived toxicity of language can vary based on someone’s identity and beliefs, but this variation is often ignored when collecting toxic language datasets, resulting in…
  • Bidimensional Leaderboards: Generate and Evaluate Language Hand in Hand

    Jungo Kasai, Keisuke Sakaguchi, Ronan Le Bras, Lavinia Dunagan, Jacob Morrison, Alexander R. Fabbri, Yejin Choi, Noah A. SmithNAACL2022 Natural language processing researchers have identified limitations of evaluation methodology for generation tasks, with new questions raised about the validity of automatic metrics and of crowdworker judgments. Meanwhile, efforts to improve generation models…
  • DEMix Layers: Disentangling Domains for Modular Language Modeling

    Suchin Gururangan, Michael Lewis, Ari Holtzman, Noah A. Smith, Luke ZettlemoyerNAACL2022 We introduce a new domain expert mixture (DEMIX) layer that enables conditioning a language model (LM) on the domain of the input text. A DEMIX layer is a collection of expert feedforward networks, each specialized to a domain, that makes the LM modular…
  • Efficient Hierarchical Domain Adaptation for Pretrained Language Models

    Alexandra Chronopoulou, Matthew E. Peters, Jesse DodgeNAACL2022 The remarkable success of large language models has been driven by dense models trained on massive unlabeled, unstructured corpora. These corpora typically contain text from diverse, heterogeneous sources, but information about the source of the text is…