Research - Papers
Explore a selection of our published work on a variety of key research challenges in AI.
In-Context Learning for Few-Shot Dialogue State Tracking
Collecting and annotating task-oriented dialogues is time-consuming and costly. Thus, zero and few shot learning for dialogue tasks presents an exciting opportunity. In this work, we propose an…
Unsupervised Learning of Hierarchical Conversation Structure
Human conversations can evolve in many different ways, creating challenges for automatic understanding and summarization. Goal-oriented conversations often have meaningful sub-dialogue structure,…
Knowledge Transfer from Answer Ranking to Answer Generation
Recent studies show that Question Answering (QA) based on Answer Sentence Selection (AS2) can be improved by generating an improved answer from the top-k ranked answer sentences (termed GenQA). This…
Pre-training Transformer Models with Sentence-Level Objectives for Answer Sentence Selection
An important task for designing QA systems is answer sentence selection (AS2): select-ing the sentence containing (or constituting) the answer to a question from a set of re-trieved relevant…
Ensemble Transformer for Efficient and Accurate Ranking Tasks: an Application to Question Answering Systems
Large transformer models can highly improve Answer Sentence Selection (AS2) tasks, but their high computational costs prevent their use in many real-world applications. In this pa-per, we explore…
Abstract Visual Reasoning with Tangram Shapes
We introduce KiloGram, a resource for studying abstract visual reasoning in humans and machines. Drawing on the history of tangram puzzles as stimuli in cognitive science, we build a richly…
CONDAQA: A Contrastive Reading Comprehension Dataset for Reasoning about Negation
The full power of human language-based communication cannot be realized without negation. All human languages have some form of negation. Despite this, negation remains a challenging phenomenon for…
Learn to Explain: Multimodal Reasoning via Thought Chains for Science Question Answering
When answering a question, humans utilize the information available across different modalities to synthesize a consistent and complete chain of thought (CoT). This process is normally a black box…
ProcTHOR: Large-Scale Embodied AI Using Procedural Generation
Massive datasets and high-capacity models have driven many recent advancements in computer vision and natural language understanding. This work presents a platform to enable similar success stories…
Emulating Fast Processes in Climate Models
Cloud microphysical parameterizations in atmospheric models describe the formation and evolution of clouds and precipitation, a central weather and climate process. Cloud-associated latent heating…