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Research - Papers

Explore a selection of our published work on a variety of key research challenges in AI.

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Memory-assisted prompt editing to improve GPT-3 after deployment

Aman MadaanNiket TandonPeter ClarkYiming Yang
ACL • Workshop on Commonsense Reasoning

Large LMs such as GPT-3 are powerful, but can commit mistakes that are obvious to humans. For example, GPT-3 would mistakenly interpret "What word is similar to good?" to mean a homonym, while the… 

Don't Say What You Don't Know: Improving the Consistency of Abstractive Summarization by Constraining Beam Search

Daniel KingZejiang ShenNishant SubramaniDoug Downey
GEM Workshop 2022

Abstractive summarization systems today produce fluent and relevant output, but often “hallucinate” statements not supported by the source text. We analyze the connection between hallucinations and… 

Object Manipulation via Visual Target Localization

Kiana EhsaniAli FarhadiAniruddha KembhaviRoozbeh Mottaghi

Object manipulation is a critical skill required for Embodied AI agents interacting with the world around them. Training agents to manipulate objects, poses many challenges. These include occlusion… 

ScienceWorld: Is your Agent Smarter than a 5th Grader?

Ruoyao WangPeter Alexander JansenMarc-Alexandre CôtéPrithviraj Ammanabrolu

This paper presents a new benchmark, SCIENCEWORLD, to test agents’ scientific reasoning abilities in a new interactive text environment at the level of a standard elementary school science… 

Staged Training for Transformer Language Models

Sheng ShenPete WalshK. KeutzerIz Beltagy
ICML 2022

The current standard approach to scaling transformer language models trains each model size from a different random initialization. As an alternative, we consider a staged training setup that begins… 

Faking Fake News for Real Fake News Detection: Propaganda-loaded Training Data Generation

Kung-Hsiang HuangPreslav NakovYejin ChoiHeng Ji

While there has been a lot of research and many recent advances in neural fake news detection, defending against human-written disinformation remains underexplored. Upon analyzing current approaches… 

LIMEADE: From AI Explanations to Advice Taking

B. LeeDoug DowneyKyle LoDaniel S. Weld

Research in human-centered AI has shown the benefits of systems that can explain their predictions. Methods that allow an AI to take advice from humans in response to explanations are similarly… 

Text-based NP Enrichment

Yanai ElazarVictoria BasmovYoav GoldbergReut Tsarfaty

Understanding the relations between entities denoted by NPs in text is a critical part of human-like natural language understanding. However, only a fraction of such relations is covered by NLP… 

Hallett‐Mossop Rime Splintering Dims Cumulus Clouds Over the Southern Ocean: New Insight From Nudged Global Storm‐Resolving Simulations

R. AtlasC. BrethertonM. KhairoutdinovP. Blossey
AGU Advances

In clouds containing both liquid and ice with temperatures between −3°C and −8°C, liquid droplets collide with large ice crystals, freeze, and shatter, producing a plethora of small ice splinters.… 

Paper Plain: Making Medical Research Papers Approachable to Healthcare Consumers with Natural Language Processing

Tal AugustLucy Lu WangJonathan BraggKyle Lo

When seeking information not covered in patient-friendly documents, like medical pamphlets, healthcare consumers may turn to the research literature. Reading medical papers, however, can be a…