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Research - Papers

Explore a selection of our published work on a variety of key research challenges in AI.

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Computational Lens on Cognition: Study Of Autobiographical Versus Imagined Stories With Large-Scale Language Models

Maarten SapA. JafarpourYejin ChoiE. Horvitz

Lifelong experiences and learned knowledge lead to shared expectations about how common situations tend to unfold. Such knowledge enables people to interpret story narratives and identify salient… 

Imagined versus Remembered Stories: Quantifying Differences in Narrative Flow

Maarten SapA. JafarpourYejin ChoiE. Horvitz

Lifelong experiences and learned knowledge lead to shared expectations about how common situations tend to unfold. Such knowledge of narrative event flow enables people to weave together a story.… 

PROMPT WAYWARDNESS: The Curious Case of Discretized Interpretation of Continuous Prompts

Daniel KhashabiShan LyuSewon MinYejin Choi

Fine-tuning continuous prompts for target tasks has recently emerged as a compact alternative to full model fine-tuning. Motivated by these promising results, we investigate the feasibility of… 

UnifiedQA-v2: Stronger Generalization via Broader Cross-Format Training

Daniel KhashabiYeganeh KordiHannaneh Hajishirzi

We present UNIFIEDQA-v2, a QA model built with the same process as UNIFIEDQA, except that it utilizes more supervision – roughly 3× the number of datasets used for UNIFIEDQA. This generally leads to… 

Vessel Detection in Sentinel-1 Imagery

Favyen BastaniPiper WoltersRose HendrixAni Kembhavi
AI2 whitepaper

In this document, we detail the approach in our xView3 submission. The xView3 dataset presents the challenge of detecting vessels and other maritime objects in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images… 

Tropical Cirrus in Global Storm‐Resolving Models: 2. Cirrus Life Cycle and Top‐of‐Atmosphere Radiative Fluxes

S. M. TurbevilleJ. M. NugentT. AckermanP. Blossey
Earth and Space Science

Cirrus clouds of various thicknesses and radiative characteristics extend over much of the tropics, especially around deep convection. They are difficult to observe due to their high altitude and… 

Tropical Cirrus in Global Storm‐Resolving Models: 1. Role of Deep Convection

J. NugentS. M. TurbevilleC. BrethertonT. Ackerman
Earth and Space Science

Pervasive cirrus clouds in the upper troposphere and tropical tropopause layer (TTL) influence the climate by altering the top‐of‐atmosphere radiation balance and stratospheric water vapor budget.… 

DREAM: Improving Situational QA by First Elaborating the Situation

Yuling GuBhavana Dalvi MishraPeter Clark

When people answer questions about a specific situation, e.g., "I cheated on my mid-term exam last week. Was that wrong?", cognitive science suggests that they form a mental picture of that… 

Inherently Explainable Reinforcement Learning in Natural Language

Xiangyu PengMark O. RiedlPrithviraj Ammanabrolu

We focus on the task of creating a reinforcement learning agent that is inherently explainable—with the ability to produce immediate local explanations by thinking out loud while performing a task… 

Teach Me to Explain: A Review of Datasets for Explainable Natural Language Processing

Sarah Wiegreffe and Ana Marasović

Explainable NLP (ExNLP) has increasingly focused on collecting human-annotated explanations. These explanations are used downstream in three ways: as data augmentation to improve performance on a…