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Research - Papers

Explore a selection of our published work on a variety of key research challenges in AI.

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Turning Tables: Generating Examples from Semi-structured Tables for Endowing Language Models with Reasoning Skills

Ori YoranAlon TalmorJonathan Berant

Models pre-trained with a language modeling objective possess ample world knowledge and language skills, but are known to struggle in tasks that require reasoning. In this work, we propose to… 

Correcting weather and climate models by machine learning nudged historical simulations

Watt-MeyerO.N. Brenowitzand C. S. Bretherton
Geophysical Research Letters

Due to limited resolution and inaccurate physical parameterizations, weather and climate models consistently develop biases compared to the observed atmosphere. Using the FV3GFS model at coarse… 

Analyzing Commonsense Emergence in Few-shot Knowledge Models

Jeff DaRonan Le BrasXiming LuAntoine Bosselut

Recently, commonsense knowledge models — pretrained language models (LM) finetuned on knowledge graph (KG) tuples — showed that considerable amounts of commonsense knowledge can be encoded in the… 

Scarecrow: A Framework for Scrutinizing Machine Text

Yao DouMaxwell ForbesRik Koncel-KedziorskiYejin Choi

Modern neural text generation systems can produce remarkably fluent and grammatical texts. While earlier language models suffered from repetition and syntactic errors, the errors made by… 

Is GPT-3 Text Indistinguishable from Human Text? Scarecrow: A Framework for Scrutinizing Machine Text

Yao DouMaxwell ForbesRik Koncel-KedziorskiYejin Choi

Modern neural language models can produce remarkably fluent and grammatical text. So much, in fact, that recent work by Clark et al. (2021) has reported that conventional crowdsourcing can no longer… 

ParsiNLU: A Suite of Language Understanding Challenges for Persian

Daniel KhashabiArman CohanSiamak Shakeriet al.

Despite the progress made in recent years in addressing natural language understanding (NLU) challenges, the majority of this progress remains to be concentrated on resource-rich languages like… 

Measuring and Improving Consistency in Pretrained Language Models

Yanai ElazarNora KassnerShauli RavfogelYoav Goldberg

Consistency of a model — that is, the invariance of its behavior under meaning-preserving alternations in its input — is a highly desirable property in natural language processing. In this paper we… 

Provable Limitations of Acquiring Meaning from Ungrounded Form: What will Future Language Models Understand?

William MerrillYoav GoldbergRoy SchwartzNoah A. Smith

Language models trained on billions of tokens have recently led to unprecedented results on many NLP tasks. This success raises the question of whether, in principle, a system can ever “understand”… 

Infusing Finetuning with Semantic Dependencies

Zhaofeng WuHao PengNoah A. Smith

Abstract For natural language processing systems, two kinds of evidence support the use of text representations from neural language models “pretrained” on large unannotated corpora: performance on… 

Break, Perturb, Build: Automatic Perturbation of Reasoning Paths through Question Decomposition

Mor GevaTomer WolfsonJonathan Berant

Recent efforts to create challenge benchmarks that test the abilities of natural language understanding models have largely depended on human annotations. In this work, we introduce the “Break,…