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AI for the environment - Skylight

See what’s happening at sea in real-time with Skylight. Leveraging state-of-the-art AI, the platform is accelerating the way we protect our ocean.

A healthy and safe ocean, powered by AI

Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing is wreaking havoc on our planet’s oceans. This destructive activity not only fuels the decline of marine ecosystems and siphons billions in revenue but also masks human rights abuses and threatens the food security of millions globally. Through the pioneering use of AI, advanced technology, and analytics, Skylight is Ai2’s solution to address this pressing issue.

Smarter decisions to transform impact

In many countries, vast ocean areas stretch resources thin for monitoring illegal fishing and maritime crimes. Recognizing the need for data-driven insights, Skylight surfaces key vessel behaviors within a sea of incoming data points. This equips conservationists with the information they need to safeguard our ocean – at no cost.

Pushing boundaries to preserve our planet and improve lives

From terabytes of satellite imagery to 100 million daily GPS data points from ship tracking systems, Skylight visualizes vessel behavior, providing a powerful tool for conservationists to detect illegal activities, identify potential threats to wildlife, and uncover trends and patterns. Utilizing in-house AI and a blend of data sources from NASA, the European Space Agency, and Maxar, the platform’s advanced AI, including computer vision and machine learning, provides unparalleled insights to help rejuvenate our seas.

Learn More - Skylight news

Sentinel-2 imagery now available in Skylight

Analysts and conservationists have long aspired to locate unreported vessels from space using optical imagery. The ability to discern details in color provides the contextual insights necessary to advance how we protect our ocean. Now, that aspiration has become a tangible reality through Skylight’s new optical imagery detection system.

Ai2 pledges $3 million to accelerate the use of AI to address illegal fishing

Through its Skylight platform, the institute will invest in satellite imagery and computer vision algorithms that will help nations protect their marine resources and promote ocean health for future generations.

Skylight and IUCN to provide AI technology to support UN High Seas Treaty

Ai2 and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) partnered to equip governmental and non-governmental organizations with advanced AI to safeguard the high seas for the long term. Following the signing of the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction Agreement (BBNJ) at the New York UN SDG Summit, the partnership helps fast-track the effective and equitable implementation of the agreement.