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Research - Papers

Explore a selection of our published work on a variety of key research challenges in AI.

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Formalizing Trust in Artificial Intelligence: Prerequisites, Causes and Goals of Human Trust in AI

Alon JacoviAna MarasovićTim MillerYoav Goldberg

Trust is a central component of the interaction between people and AI, in that 'incorrect' levels of trust may cause misuse, abuse or disuse of the technology. But what, precisely, is the nature of… 

Gender trends in computer science authorship

Lucy Lu WangGabriel StanovskyLuca WeihsOren Etzioni

A comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of Computer Science literature (2.87 million papers through 2018) reveals that, if current trends continue, parity between the number of male and female… 

Learning Generalizable Visual Representations via Interactive Gameplay

Luca WeihsAniruddha KembhaviKiana EhsaniA. Farhadi

A growing body of research suggests that embodied gameplay, prevalent not just in human cultures but across a variety of animal species including turtles and ravens, is critical in developing the… 

Think you have Solved Direct-Answer Question Answering? Try ARC-DA, the Direct-Answer AI2 Reasoning Challenge

Sumithra BhakthavatsalamDaniel KhashabiTushar KhotP. Clark

We present the ARC-DA dataset, a direct-answer (“open response”, “freeform”) version of the ARC (AI2 Reasoning Challenge) multiple-choice dataset. While ARC has been influential in the community,… 

Paragraph-Level Commonsense Transformers with Recurrent Memory

Saadia GabrielChandra BhagavatulaVered ShwartzYejin Choi

Human understanding of narrative texts requires making commonsense inferences beyond what is stated in the text explicitly. A recent model, COMeT, can generate such inferences along several… 

COMET-ATOMIC 2020: On Symbolic and Neural Commonsense Knowledge Graphs

Jena D. HwangChandra BhagavatulaRonan Le BrasYejin Choi

Recent years have brought about a renewed interest in commonsense representation and reasoning in the field of natural language understanding. The development of new commonsense knowledge graphs… 

Dynamic Neuro-Symbolic Knowledge Graph Construction for Zero-shot Commonsense Question Answering

Antoine BosselutRonan Le BrasYejin Choi

Understanding narratives requires reasoning about implicit world knowledge related to the causes, effects, and states of situations described in text. At the core of this challenge is how to access… 

Optimizing AI for Teamwork

Gagan BansalBesmira NushiEce KamarDaniel S. Weld

In many high-stakes domains such as criminal justice, finance, and healthcare, AI systems may recommend actions to a human expert responsible for final decisions, a context known as AI-advised… 

On Generating Extended Summaries of Long Documents

Sajad SotudehArman CohanNazli Goharian
AAAI • Scientific Document Understanding Workshop

Prior work in document summarization has mainly focused on generating short summaries of a document. While this type of summary helps get a high-level view of a given document, it is desirable in… 

Learning to Rationalize for Nonmonotonic Reasoning with Distant Supervision

Faeze BrahmanVered ShwartzRachel Rudingerand Yejin Choi

The black-box nature of neural models has motivated a line of research that aims to generate natural language rationales to explain why a model made certain predictions. Such rationale generation…