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Research - Papers

Explore a selection of our published work on a variety of key research challenges in AI.

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Use the Force, Luke! Learning to Predict Physical Forces by Simulating Effects

Kiana EhsaniShubham TulsianiSaurabh GuptaAbhinav Gupta

When we humans look at a video of human-object interaction, we can not only infer what is happening but we can even extract actionable information and imitate those interactions. On the other hand,… 

Do Dogs have Whiskers? A New Knowledge Base of hasPart Relations

Sumithra BhakthavatsalamKyle RichardsonNiket TandonPeter Clark

We present a new knowledge-base (KB) of hasPart relationships, extracted from a large corpus of generic statements. Complementary to other resources available, it is the first which is all three of:… 

When Bert Forgets How To POS: Amnesic Probing of Linguistic Properties and MLM Predictions

Yanai ElazarShauli RavfogelAlon JacoviYoav Goldberg

A growing body of work makes use of probing in order to investigate the working of neural models, often considered black boxes. Recently, an ongoing debate emerged surrounding the limitations of the… 

Analysis of the Penn Korean Universal Dependency Treebank (PKT-UD): Manual Revision to Build Robust Parsing Model in Korean

Tae Hwan OhJi Yoon HanHyonsu ChoeHansaem Kim

In this paper, we first open on important issues regarding the Penn Korean Universal Treebank (PKT-UD) and address these issues by revising the entire corpus manually with the aim of producing… 

Contextual Word Representations: Putting Words into Computers

Noah A. Smith

This article aims to tell the story of how we put words into computers. It is part of the story of the field of natural language processing (NLP), a branch of artificial intelligence.a It targets a… 

On Consequentialism and Fairness

Dallas CardNoah A. Smith
Frontiers in AI Journal

Recent work on fairness in machine learning has primarily emphasized how to define, quantify, and encourage "fair" outcomes. Less attention has been paid, however, to the ethical foundations which… 

TREC-COVID: Constructing a Pandemic Information Retrieval Test Collection

Ellen M. VoorheesTasmeer AlamSteven BedrickLucy Lu Wang

TREC-COVID is a community evaluation designed to build a test collection that captures the information needs of biomedical researchers using the scientific literature during a pandemic. One of the… 

TREC-COVID: Rationale and Structure of an Information Retrieval Shared Task for COVID-19

Kirk RobertsTasmeer AlamSteven BedrickWilliam R. Hersh

TREC-COVID is an information retrieval (IR) shared task initiated to support clinicians and clinical research during the COVID-19 pandemic. IR for pandemics breaks many normal assumptions, which can… 

GenericsKB: A Knowledge Base of Generic Statements

Sumithra BhakthavatsalamChloe AnastasiadesPeter Clark

We present a new resource for the NLP community, namely a large (3.5M+ sentence) knowledge base of *generic statements*, e.g., "Trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere", collected from… 

Abductive Commonsense Reasoning

Chandra BhagavatulaRonan Le BrasChaitanya MalaviyaYejin Choi

Abductive reasoning is inference to the most plausible explanation. For example, if Jenny finds her house in a mess when she returns from work, and remembers that she left a window open, she can…