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Research - Papers

Explore a selection of our published work on a variety of key research challenges in AI.

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Commonsense Knowledge Base Completion with Structural and Semantic Context

Chaitanya MalaviyaChandra BhagavatulaAntoine BosselutYejin Choi

Automatic KB completion for commonsense knowledge graphs (e.g., ATOMIC and ConceptNet) poses unique challenges compared to the much studied conventional knowledge bases (e.g., Freebase). Commonsense… 

Just Add Functions: A Neural-Symbolic Language Model

David DemeterDoug Downey

Neural network language models (NNLMs) have achieved ever-improving accuracy due to more sophisticated architectures and increasing amounts of training data. However, the inductive bias of these… 

Defending Against Neural Fake News

Rowan ZellersAri HoltzmanHannah RashkinYejin Choi

Recent progress in natural language generation has raised dual-use concerns. While applications like summarization and translation are positive, the underlying technology also might enable… 

Discovering Neural Wirings

Mitchell WortsmanAli FarhadiMohammad Rastegari

The success of neural networks has driven a shift in focus from feature engineering to architecture engineering. However, successful networks today are constructed using a small and manually defined… 

Analyzing Compositionality in Visual Question Answering

Sanjay SubramanianSameer SinghMatt Gardner
NeurIPS • ViGIL Workshop

Since the release of the original Visual Question Answering (VQA) dataset, several newer datasets for visual reasoning have been introduced, often with the express intent of requiring systems to… 

What's Missing: A Knowledge Gap Guided Approach for Multi-hop Question Answering

Tushar KhotAshish SabharwalPeter Clark

Multi-hop textual question answering requires combining information from multiple sentences. We focus on a natural setting where, unlike typical reading comprehension, only partial information is… 

Evaluating Question Answering Evaluation

Anthony ChenGabriel StanovskySameer SinghMatt Gardner
EMNLP • MRQA Workshop

As the complexity of question answering (QA) datasets evolve, moving away from restricted formats like span extraction and multiple-choice (MC) to free-form answer generation, it is imperative to… 

Reasoning Over Paragraph Effects in Situations

Kevin LinOyvind TafjordPeter ClarkMatt Gardner
EMNLP • MRQA Workshop

A key component of successfully reading a passage of text is the ability to apply knowledge gained from the passage to a new situation. In order to facilitate progress on this kind of reading, we… 

ORB: An Open Reading Benchmark for Comprehensive Evaluation of Machine Reading Comprehension

Dheeru DuaAnanth GottumukkalaAlon TalmorMatt Gardner
EMNLP • MRQA Workshop

Reading comprehension is one of the crucial tasks for furthering research in natural language understanding. A lot of diverse reading comprehension datasets have recently been introduced to study… 

On Making Reading Comprehension More Comprehensive

Matt GardnerJonathan BerantHannaneh HajishirziSewon Min
EMNLP • MRQA Workshop

Machine reading comprehension, the task of evaluating a machine’s ability to comprehend a passage of text, has seen a surge in popularity in recent years. There are many datasets that are targeted…