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Research - Papers

Explore a selection of our published work on a variety of key research challenges in AI.

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Extracting a Knowledge Base of Mechanisms from COVID-19 Papers

Aida AminiT. HopeDavid WaddenHannaneh Hajishirzi

The urgency of mitigating COVID-19 has spawned a large and diverse body of scientific literature that is challenging for researchers to navigate. This explosion of information has stimulated… 

SmBoP: Semi-autoregressive Bottom-up Semantic Parsing

Ohad Rubin and Jonathan Berant

The de-facto standard decoding method for semantic parsing in recent years has been to autoregressively decode the abstract syntax tree of the target program using a top-down depth-first traversal.… 

Temporal Reasoning on Implicit Events from Distant Supervision

Ben ZhouKyle RichardsonQiang NingD. Roth

Existing works on temporal reasoning among events described in text focus on modeling relationships between explicitly mentioned events and do not handle event end time effectively. However, human… 

"I'm Not Mad": Commonsense Implications of Negation and Contradiction

Liwei JiangAntoine BosselutChandra BhagavatulaYejin Choi

Natural language inference requires reasoning about contradictions, negations, and their commonsense implications. Given a simple premise (e.g., “I’m mad at you”), humans can reason about the… 

A Dataset of Information-Seeking Questions and Answers Anchored in Research Papers

Pradeep DasigiKyle LoIz BeltagyMatt Gardner

Readers of academic research papers often read with the goal of answering specific questions. Question Answering systems that can answer those questions can make consumption of the content much more… 

Choose Your Own Adventure: Paired Suggestions in Collaborative Writing for Evaluating Story Generation Models

Elizabeth ClarkNoah A. Smith

Story generation is an open-ended and subjective task, which poses a challenge for evaluating story generation models. We present Choose Your Own Adventure, a collaborative writing setup for… 

XOR QA: Cross-lingual Open-Retrieval Question Answering

Akari AsaiJungo KasaiJ. ClarkHannaneh Hajishirzi

Multilingual question answering tasks typically assume that answers exist in the same language as the question. Yet in practice, many languages face both information scarcity—where languages have… 

Probing Contextual Language Models for Common Ground with Visual Representations

Gabriel IlharcoRowan ZellersAli FarhadiHannaneh Hajishirzi

The success of large-scale contextual language models has attracted great interest in probing what is encoded in their representations. In this work, we consider a new question: to what extent… 

Simplified Data Wrangling with ir_datasets

Sean MacAvaneyAndrew YatesSergey FeldmanNazli Goharian

Managing the data for Information Retrieval (IR) experiments can be challenging. Dataset documentation is scattered across the Internet and once one obtains a copy of the data, there are numerous… 

Does the Whole Exceed its Parts? The Effect of AI Explanations on Complementary Team Performance

Gagan BansalTongshuang (Sherry) WuJoyce ZhouDaniel S. Weld

Many researchers motivate explainable AI with studies showing that human-AI team performance on decision-making tasks improves when the AI explains its recommendations. However, prior studies…