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Research - Papers

Explore a selection of our published work on a variety of key research challenges in AI.

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Simulating Action Dynamics with Neural Process Networks

Antoine BosselutOmer LevyAri Holtzmanand Yejin Choi

Understanding procedural language requires anticipating the causal effects of actions, even when they are not explicitly stated. In this work, we introduce Neural Process Networks to understand… 

Knowledge Completion for Generics Using Guided Tensor Factorization

Hanie Sedghi and Ashish Sabharwal

Given a knowledge base or KB containing (noisy) facts about common nouns or generics, such as "all trees produce oxygen" or "some animals live in forests", we consider the problem of inferring… 

Think you have Solved Question Answering? Try ARC, the AI2 Reasoning Challenge

Peter ClarkIsaac CowheyOren EtzioniOyvind Tafjord

We present a new question set, text corpus, and baselines assembled to encourage AI research in advanced question answering. Together, these constitute the AI2 Reasoning Challenge (ARC), which… 

Question Answering as Global Reasoning over Semantic Abstractions

Daniel KhashabiTushar KhotAshish Sabharwaland Dan Roth

We propose a novel method for exploiting the semantic structure of text to answer multiple-choice questions. The approach is especially suitable for domains that require reasoning over a diverse set… 

SciTail: A Textual Entailment Dataset from Science Question Answering

Tushar KhotAshish Sabharwaland Peter Clark

We present a new dataset and model for textual entailment, derived from treating multiple-choice question-answering as an entailment problem. SCITAIL is the first entailment set that is created… 

Approximate Inference via Weighted Rademacher Complexity

Jonathan KuckAshish Sabharwaland Stefano Ermon

Rademacher complexity is often used to characterize the learnability of a hypothesis class and is known to be related to the class size. We leverage this observation and introduce a new technique… 

Learning Interpretable Spatial Operations in a Rich 3D Blocks World

Yonatan BiskKevin J. ShihYejin Choiand Daniel Marcu

In this paper, we study the problem of mapping natural language instructions to complex spatial actions in a 3D blocks world. We first introduce a new dataset that pairs complex 3D spatial… 

Commonsense Knowledge in Machine Intelligence

Niket TandonAparna S. VardeGerard de Melo

There is growing conviction that the future of computing depends on our ability to exploit big data on theWeb to enhance intelligent systems. This includes encyclopedic knowledge for factual… 

Men Also Like Shopping: Reducing Gender Bias Amplification using Corpus-level Constraints

Jieyu ZhaoTianlu WangMark YatskarKai-Wei Chang

Language is increasingly being used to define rich visual recognition problems with supporting image collections sourced from the web. Structured prediction models are used in these tasks to take… 

Dynamic Entity Representations in Neural Language Models

Yangfeng JiChenhao TanSebastian MartschatNoah A. Smith

Understanding a long document requires tracking how entities are introduced and evolve over time. We present a new type of language model, EntityNLM, that can explicitly model entities, dynamically…