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Newsletter archive

Stay up to date with new research, events, features, and more by subscribing to the Ai2 Newsletter.

December 2021

Teaching AI morality, protecting PNW cougars, big improvements to the Semantic Scholar API, and more.

October 2021

A new AI resource hub for the PNW, the award-winning research of Yejin Choi, and more.

September 2021

Four new teams join the institute, scientific papers in HTML, a call for contributions to a new general NLP benchmark, and more.

July 2021

Scientific publishing's accessibility problem, a QA model you can use, Oren Etzioni appointed to AI task force, and more.

April 2021

AI2 gains Vulcan's suite of conservation projects, RoboTHOR gains a robotic arm, the toxicity lurking in popular language models, and more.

February 2021

Teaching AI agents by playing hide-and-seek, TLDRs for academic papers, unveiling the hidden biases in question answering models with cleverly worded questions, revisiting the ultimate trajectory of rejected papers, and more.

December 2020

Highlighted initiatives and award-winning research from AI2 in 2020!

November 2020

Featured work from AI2 at EMNLP 2020, a new AI2 Incubator graduate, and the recipient of the Allen AI Outstanding Engineer Scholarship.

September 2020

Introducing AllenAct – our new Embodied AI research library, AI2 at ECCV 2020, the conclusion of the ALFRED challenge, new AllenNLP tutorials, and more.

July 2020

Best Paper Honourable Mention at ACL 2020, taming the tidal wave of COVID-19 research with AI-powered tools, the release of AllenNLP v1.0, and more.